More tragic or more beautiful. —A communion prayer (3).

We surround your table: we perverts, we thieves, we prostitutes, we cheaters, we racists, we who are lazy, we who use food to console ourselves, we who drink too much, who manipulate, who lie, who control, who rage, who hate, who refuse others forgiveness, we full of self-pity, we who give up hope, we prideful, we selfish, we lonely, we broken, we afraid, we hurt, we your church, we your bride, we your greatest love—we surround your table; because you invite us to eat with you, of you; because you invite us to remember your life, death, resurrection whenever we gather; because nothing more tragic or more beautiful has ever happened: this momentary grief, this hope for all time. We broken, we hurt, we hurtful, we grateful—we thank you: your body broken for us, your blood shed on our behalf: by your death we have life of the ages. Amen.

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